
Showing posts from August, 2017

Summer Internship

Yesterday was sadly my last day at my summer internship at the Decorative Arts Center of Ohio. It was very bittersweet, I am sad that summer is coming to a close and my time there is done but I am very excited to get back to Chicago and to start up classes (plus my new internship). In this post I'm gonna talk about my internship, as well as give some tips about finding and working an internship. Getting an Internship 1.) Apply to a lot Places & I Mean A LOT: Don't just apply to one or two because odds are, especially if its your first internship, it may not work out. Send in loads of applications to any business or organization you are interested in. 2.) Face to Face Contact is Key: It's not enough to just email or drop off an application, you need to meet face to face with whoever is in charge of the internship program so that they have a face to match with the resume. This may be difficult if you are applying out of state, in that case make a phone call or ask if...