It Begins With a Tree

I am one of those people that the second Thanksgiving is over I start focusing on Christmas. As much as I love Thanksgiving, Christmas is truly my favorite time of the year. So what better way to begin the Christmas season than by getting a Christmas Tree.

Getting the tree is one of my favorite traditions and this year. Every year we go to Walsh Tree Farm in St. Louisville which has a huge and wonderful selection of pre-cut and cut your own trees.

After we get our tree we go to the Granville Inn (which is already decked out for the holidays) for dinner. All the way there and all the way back we listened to Christmas music. There is still so much to do before Christmas, including the shopping, decorating, and of course studying for finals. Every year the Christmas season goes by quicker and quicker, so I like to cherish each day.
BTW this is not our tree. This is the beautiful tree in  the Granville Inn

When do you start preparing for Christmas, do you have any family traditions? Let me know in the comments!


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