Week 1 in London!


Sorry I have been gone for so long its been a very hectic couple of weeks. As most of you may know I am currently studying abroad in London! I arrived about a week ago and I am very excited for all the adventures and experiences I am going to have. During my time here I will be focusing more on my travels as opposed to fashion or other similar subjects, So I hope you enjoy following along on my adventures :)

During my first week it was all about getting used to everything. I spent most of my time in orientations or getting to know the other people in the program, but I also spent a good amount of time sight seeing.

One day we took a bus tour where we drove around parts of the city as well as walked around sites such as Buckingham Palace, The Globe Theater, and St. Paul's Cathedral. I had seen most of these sites when I was previously in London in high school but it was just as amazing to see them all again! The weather was also perfect and sunny that day which also added to the experience.

The next day we went to the Tour of London. The weather was less than perfect but we still all had a great time, and while I couldn't get pictures of the crowned jewels I can confirm that they are rawther glamorous (said in my best Eloise voice). So far not only have I seen some of London's greatest sites but I have also made some friends who I know will make this experience even better.

Are there any sites you recommend me checking out? What is your favorite thing about British culture? Let me know in the comments!


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