Making the Most of Your Vacation

Whether you are traveling or simply have a few days off and are having a "staycation" its important to make the most of your time and enjoy it. Here are some tips about enjoying your time off and making memories that last, I will also be featuring photos from my recent trip to Sea Island, Georgia.

1.) Enjoy the Journey: Your vacation doesn't have to start when you reach your destination, it can start on the way! Even though I get anxious before a flight, because of fear of missing or delays of said flight, I do my best to enjoy my time at the airport. Whether it is indulging in some Starbucks or starting the book I had purchases specifically for my trip. I go into vacation mode before I even leave for the airport. The same goes for when I head home as well. This time around I actually drove home with my mom and while an eleven hour car ride doesn't seem like a great time we made the most of it. Also if I had not gone on the car ride I would not have seen the beautiful scenery of West Virginia or the Ohio River at sunset.

2.) Do Something Memorable Each Day: While this past trip was mostly about just relaxing, I made sure to do something slightly different each day. Whether it was exploring somewhere new, doing a specific activity, or even just going to a special restaurant. Its important to do different things so that the days don't seem to blend together. For example I spent most of a day riding a bike and window shopping in the village near my hotel. I went to some stores I had never been to, tried a new place for lunch, and biked in some new areas. On another day where I did spend most of it lounging by the pool, at night we went to a special dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Even if you are having a "staycation" use some of the time to try something new in your area or even try out a new workout or recipe. Its all about making memories and using this time off to try new things to expand your interests.

3.)Spend Time with Loved Ones: Again even if you are having a staycation at home its important to enjoy your alone time relaxing, but also take some time out to reach out and spend time with others. One reason I enjoy these trips is being able to spend time with my family and have us all relax and have fun. We all enjoying lounging but also exploring and staying active so there is plenty for us to do together. Again while I do enjoy to spend some time on my own relaxing its still important to spend some quality time with others.

Overall do what you want to do with whatever time off you have. This time is meant for you to recharge and maybe use it as an opportunity to try something different or something you haven't had time to do in the past.
How do you like to spend your time off? Do you have any favorite travel destinations? Let me know in the comments!


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