
Showing posts from January, 2019

Things To Do When Your Stuck Inside

Hello! So i don't know if you've heard but apparently the Midwest is going through a Polar Vortex. (Can you sense sarcasm through a blog post). So because of this extreme weather all of my classes are canceled for most of the week and I am currently stuck in my apartment. If you are in a similar situation as me here is a quick little list of things to do inside (besides the obvious binge watching Netflix) Do a deep clean/organization of your place. Color or Paint Do a Puzzle Start a project you have been procrastinating (crafts, hobbies, bullet journal etc.) Do an at home workout (Youtube is full of them!) At Home Spa Day (nails, face mask, the works) Write a blog post ;) Cook/Bake Read, Read, Read! FaceTime with a long distance friend you haven't talked to in awhile Prepare for February (Galantines Day, Valentines Day, Monthly Goals) Declutter your computer or phone by deleting old emails, photos, apps or documents Do some online shopping Plan your next v...

Last Semester of College!!....Wait What?!

Another Winter Break has come and gone. I'm back in Chicago and back to that college grind. Syllabus week feels like something I have done a million times. Only difference this time around is that this is my last time. Yup it has finally come to my very last semester at college. I am both incredibly excited and nervous about the next chapter of my life. There is just so much uncertainty about what kind of job I will have and even where I will be living! I have been applying for jobs this past month which also just makes it feel so real. Although I am also trying to make the most of my final semester. I am trying to take advantage of all of my student perks (such as free transport, free gym membership, discounts, and of course free admission at the Art Institute!) Also just having fun with my friends. It has been a busy week just trying to figure out my schedule and everything but I have made time for game nights, brunches, and even random trips to Evanston with friends. Aga...

Happy New Year!: Joyful January

Can't believe it has already been almost a full week of 2019. I am not sure what this year has in store for me (besides some of the obvious changes with graduation) But I am determined to make some memories and do my best to make it an overall positive year. I have a few resolutions this year but I try not to stress about them or do anything that seems unattainable or too specific. Instead I just have a few mindsets and goals to keep in mind for the year. I wrote some examples in my bullet journal as well as prompts to look back on 2018 and look towards the future of this year (and yes I STILL haven't filled this out). Writing these down is just a good reflection tool for myself and helps keep me accountable. I have also decided that each month this year I will choose a word (starting with the same first letter of the month) to focus on during the month. For example for this month I am doing Joyful January so this month I will focus on finding joy in things I do and see...