Last Semester of College!!....Wait What?!

Another Winter Break has come and gone. I'm back in Chicago and back to that college grind. Syllabus week feels like something I have done a million times. Only difference this time around is that this is my last time. Yup it has finally come to my very last semester at college.

I am both incredibly excited and nervous about the next chapter of my life. There is just so much uncertainty about what kind of job I will have and even where I will be living! I have been applying for jobs this past month which also just makes it feel so real. Although I am also trying to make the most of my final semester. I am trying to take advantage of all of my student perks (such as free transport, free gym membership, discounts, and of course free admission at the Art Institute!) Also just having fun with my friends. It has been a busy week just trying to figure out my schedule and everything but I have made time for game nights, brunches, and even random trips to Evanston with friends. Again I'm not sure if I am staying in Chicago and a lot of my friends are in the same boat so we want to make the most of the city while we can.
As you have noticed I don't have any brunch recommendations or cute outfit pics in this post. I have realized I want this blog to be more than just a "What I did this weekend" or "Outfit of the Day" posts. I just want to write about what is on my mind. I hope you enjoy this slight change of pace :)

I got the idea from a friend to say YES more. I want to keep this in  mind throughout this semester, so that I don't miss a thing

If your in school how has your semester gone so far? What kind of posts would you like to see from me in the future? Let me know in the comments 


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