Happy New Year!: Joyful January

Can't believe it has already been almost a full week of 2019. I am not sure what this year has in store for me (besides some of the obvious changes with graduation) But I am determined to make some memories and do my best to make it an overall positive year.

I have a few resolutions this year but I try not to stress about them or do anything that seems unattainable or too specific. Instead I just have a few mindsets and goals to keep in mind for the year. I wrote some examples in my bullet journal as well as prompts to look back on 2018 and look towards the future of this year (and yes I STILL haven't filled this out). Writing these down is just a good reflection tool for myself and helps keep me accountable.

I have also decided that each month this year I will choose a word (starting with the same first letter of the month) to focus on during the month. For example for this month I am doing Joyful January so this month I will focus on finding joy in things I do and see as well as simply producing and finding my own joy within myself. Cheesy I know!!

My bullet journal for this month is pretty similar to what it has always been but I have actually added a collage page. I'm hoping to add small pictures or other small light mementos like tickets to the page as a bit of the recap for the month. Not sure how it will work out but its something new I have been wanting to try.

What are you looking forward to this year? Do you have any resolutions? Let me know in the comments!


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