Making the Most of Your Vacation
Whether you are traveling or simply have a few days off and are having a "staycation" its important to make the most of your time and enjoy it. Here are some tips about enjoying your time off and making memories that last, I will also be featuring photos from my recent trip to Sea Island, Georgia. 1.) Enjoy the Journey: Your vacation doesn't have to start when you reach your destination, it can start on the way! Even though I get anxious before a flight, because of fear of missing or delays of said flight, I do my best to enjoy my time at the airport. Whether it is indulging in some Starbucks or starting the book I had purchases specifically for my trip. I go into vacation mode before I even leave for the airport. The same goes for when I head home as well. This time around I actually drove home with my mom and while an eleven hour car ride doesn't seem like a great time we made the most of it. Also if I had not gone on the car ride I would not have seen the beauti...